SATB with Piano (Difficulty 3 out of 5)
The Arrangement
“Creep” by Radiohead is one of the best-known alternative rock songs in the world; despite having been written in 1992, it continues to resonate with millions of people today. I arranged “Creep” because I am moved by how authentically and powerfully it gives voice to many taboo emotions including insecurity, shame, self-doubt, and loss. As a music educator, I find that choral singers yearn to give voice to such vulnerable emotions so that we as humans can validate their commonality and avoid their potential to diminish our love for self and others.
Accessible for intermediate high school, community, and collegiate choirs.
Written for the University of Minnesota Campus Singers Maroon, and revised for the University of Wisconsin - Superior A Cappella Choir.
© 1992 EMI APRIL MUSIC INC. and WARNER/CHAPPELL MUSIC LTD. All Rights for WARNER/CHAPPELL MUSIC LTD. in the U.S. and Canada Administered by WB MUSIC CORP. All Rights Reserved International Copyright Secured Used by Permission - contains elements of "The Air That I Breathe" by Albert Hammond and Mike Hazlewood, © 1972 EMI APRIL MUSIC INC. Used by Permission of Hal Leonard Corporation